Jennifer (lilrocker227) wrote in uw,

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Like horror movies? Like acting? Like having fun? :)

Hi all,

Here's the deal: my brother, who goes to the Art Institute of Seattle, is studying multimedia. As a project both for school and out of personal interest, he has written a script for a horror film and is seeking out actors to participate. He needs 3 girls and 2 guys. Height, race, characteristics are not important. Filming will run mainly on weekends or whenever people are available; he's flexible with that. There's no compensation, but it's sure to be a really fun experience. You will receieve a copy of the final product and your name will be on the credits. I seriously encourage you guys to all think about participating. Horror is a fun genre, and this project will kick ass. If you're interested, please contact me at and I'll forward you on to my brother. Cheers! -Jen

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