We are currently hiring for a number of positions, and I thought I would pass this messgae on to those of you who aren't on campus, or who maybe don't pick up The Daily and wouldn't see our ads. My co-design chief and I are hiring for layout designers. We are looking for people who have interest in and some knowledge of typography, page layout and the program Adobe InDesign. Ability to work creatively under pressure is also encouraged, as we do work under strict deadlines. We don't care what year you are, but you must be enrolled in at least 6 undergrad credits (less for a grad student). You DO get paid to work at The Daliy.
This is a great job for design students, but we accept all majors, as long as you have had some experience with the program and are interested and eager to learn about design.
It is a fun place to work (most of the time), and its a great way to get more involved on campus. As a designer, you will also (hopefully) come out of it with a number of great portfolio additions.
If you are intersted or have questions, please email design(AT)thedaily.washington.edu.
I know The Daily gets a lot of greif on this board, and I am not one to discourage constructive critisism. All I have to say is: If you think The Daily could benefit from improvement, come and help make it better!