Her Sunshine Child (rocza) wrote in uw,
Her Sunshine Child

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Massive Adopt-a-thon

Quoting from the lovely* folks over at Seattle Metroblogging,
Could your apartment use a bit more animal dander? Have your bundles of yarn achieved an unnatural state of order? Tired of your frisbees going unfetched? Exceeded the statute of limitations on going to the dog park alone?

You could be a prime candidate for this Saturday's massive adopt-a-pet extravaganza. Sixteen local shelter and rescue organizations will combine, Voltron-style, to help King County residents meet the the best and brightest animals available. In addition to the opportunity to find your new fuzzy friend amongst the hundreds of dogs, cats, and hamsters, the event will feature a very exciting talent competition. I expect that the winners of the contest will have the pick of the litter (as far as potential guardians are concerned).

Get there early: last year, all of the available animals found a home by the end of the day. In addition, KUOW was reporting that a dozen Italian racing greyhounds would be among the dogs available for adoption.

King County Kent Animal Shelter
21615- 64th Ave. S, Kent
Saturday, June 24, 2006 (9:00 am)

*I'm not biased. At all. Really.

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